Curing My Husband’s Cancer: How Feminism Changed Cancer Treatment

Feminism is the belief in equality between sexes. Feminism is the understanding that all people, regardless of gender, orientation, race, religious affiliation, or ability have something to contribute. Thanks to this belief, my husband is being treated, and, if everything goes according to plan, cured of his cancer. This week, my husband began his first … Continue reading Curing My Husband’s Cancer: How Feminism Changed Cancer Treatment

When Your Mentor Doesn’t Know She is Your Mentor

Ok, so what happens when you are having the most. Challenging. Week. Of. Your. Life? You turn to your people. You turn to your mentors. (Rach, I know you don’t know me, but you are the most amazing mentor I could ever have! So thank you!!!) Hitting bookstores AND Audible on March 12, 2019, Girl, … Continue reading When Your Mentor Doesn’t Know She is Your Mentor

Amber Alert: How We Let Riya Rajkumar Down

In 1996, 9 year old Amber Hagerman of Arlington, Texas was kidnapped and murdered. The little girl had been riding her bike with her brother when she was grabbed. A witness told his family, and people began searching. Four days later, she was found dead less than 5 miles from where she was last seen. … Continue reading Amber Alert: How We Let Riya Rajkumar Down

In Two Months…

Two months. A lot can happen in two months. You could learn a new language, take up running, watch the seasons change. Babies can be pulled to sitting in two months. You could travel 3/4 of the way to Venus in two months. You could heal a broken bone. It has been two months, less … Continue reading In Two Months…

It Snowed Today

It snowed today. In my part of Canada, that's pretty rare, and I love when the flakes begin to flurry through the air. It's a Sunday and we had nowhere to be. My kids were tired; my daughter had a cold. My husband has rarely left our bedroom in over a month, and so, we … Continue reading It Snowed Today